google-site-verification=KN_EOcM7DdsoT8yf5kWkCRs8jsTZSvsZp1DlLWJTpXw London Relaxing Massage | CantaCore
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Shoulder Massage

Relaxing Massage

Relaxing massage is a gentle form of massage therapy that is designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. The history of massage dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for therapeutic and healing purposes. Today, relaxing massage is used to promote relaxation, reduce muscle tension and soreness, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being.



  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Improved circulation

  • Enhanced relaxation

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Reduced muscle tension and soreness

  • Improved mental well-being

Holistic massage


The massage therapist will first ask you about your medical history, any areas of pain or tension, and your overall goals for the session.


Based on your evaluation, the massage therapist will develop a plan for your massage session that takes into account your specific needs and goals. This may involve using various massage techniques, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or trigger point therapy.


During the massage session, the therapist will apply various massage techniques to help release tension and promote relaxation. They may also use other modalities to enhance the massage experience


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