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Physical Therapist

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a form of massage therapy. It is not solely reserved for professional athletes. It can benefit individuals of all levels of fitness and activity, including recreational athletes, weekend warriors, and those engaged in regular exercise. Sports massage is used to prevent and treat injuries, improve muscle function, and promote overall wellness. 


Sports massage typically involves a combination of techniques such as deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, stretching, and joint mobilization. At CantaCore, the physiotherapist may also incorporate other modalities like trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and soft tissue manipulation. The specific techniques used will depend on the client's needs, the type of sport or activity they participate in, and their individual goals.


  • Improved flexibility and range of motion

  • Reduced muscle tension and soreness

  • Increased blood flow and circulation

  • Improved immune function

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Enhanced athletic performance

sports massage

For Recreationally Active People Phytherapists at CantaCore can provide benefits to individuals who enjoy recreational physical activities. They can help alleviate aches, cramps, pain, and muscle tension. Even if you don't participate in competitive events, these therapists can assist you in living an active lifestyle with a lower risk of injury and faster recovery from any injuries that may occur.

For Elite athletes Elite athletes frequently incorporate sports massage into their routine, receiving it just before an event, between stages or heats of an event, and immediately after the event. They also undergo sports massage during training and post-competition periods. For these athletes, prioritizing massages by sports massage pytherapists is common.

Physiotherapists in the UK may have additional training and qualifications in sports massage techniques as part of their broader skill set in musculoskeletal therapy and rehabilitation.

When is sports massage used?

  • Pre Event

  • Post Event

  • As part of a training programme

  • Post Workout

  • To sooth tight muscles

  • To delayed the onset of muscle soreness

  • Post injury

  • For chronic pain

Limitations of sports massage

Sports massage does not significantly improve sprint speeds, jump distances, or strength measurements. Additionally, sports massage does not reduce the decline in force and velocity that can only be restored through rest. 


It is important to recognize these findings because sports massage alone is not a substitute for effort and training. However, when combined with dedicated training and effort, sports massage can contribute to improved flexibility, relaxation, range of motion, and relief of specific trigger points. These benefits can enhance the overall athletic and recreational experiences when incorporated as part of a comprehensive approach.

Side Effects of Sports Massage

Some potential side effects of sports massage may include temporary tenderness or stiffness in the treated areas, lasting for a day or two following the therapy session.


In rare cases, individuals may experience a skin reaction to the massage oils or lotions used during the treatment.

Is a sports massage painful?

Discomfort is a normal sensation that you may experience during or after a sports massage, but it should not result in significant pain.


If you encounter pain that surpasses what is commonly referred to as "the good kind of hurt," it is essential to communicate this promptly to your physiotherapist. They will be able to adjust their techniques or pressure to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the session.


The massage therapist will first evaluate the client to determine their specific needs, areas of pain or discomfort, and any injuries or conditions that may require special attention.


The therapist will then create a management plan based on the evaluation, taking into account the client's goals and expectations for the session.


The massage itself will involve various techniques, such as kneading, stretching, and deep tissue massage, depending on the client's needs and the therapist's assessment.


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