google-site-verification=KN_EOcM7DdsoT8yf5kWkCRs8jsTZSvsZp1DlLWJTpXw Super Big Deal Days | CantaCore
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Super Big Deal Days

Are you experiencing these issues?

Lower Back Pain

Neck and Shoulder Tension

Neck Issues
Stiff Muscles

Weight Gain

Poor Posture

Numbness and Cold Sensation

in the Feet and Hands


We understand, what CantaCore can do for you?

Where CantaCore’s West Meets East in Physiotherapy 



MSK Physiotherapy

 Consult with our physiotherapists for a personalized assessment.

They can create a tailored treatment plan to address your specific concerns.

You are also offered some practical tips, like incorporating simple stretching exercises into your daily routine. Focus on your trigger point in the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists to alleviate tension.


Relaxing Massage

Precision meets relaxation with our Localized Massage.

Identify tense spots, apply deep tissue pressure, gently stretch connective tissue, and use friction for improved blood flow.

Indulge in serenity with our Full Body Relaxing Massage. 

Swedish strokes, Effleurage, and Petrissage for tension relief, Aromatherapy, and gentle stretches for blissful relaxation and flexibility.




The contrasting temperatures enhance blood circulation, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote relaxation.

This targeted approach addresses discomfort, providing relief and rejuvenation for individuals experiencing pain due to prolonged periods of inactivity.


Price List


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Physiotherapy Initial Consultation

- 30 mins  ï¿¡75

- 45 mins  ï¿¡100

- 60 mins  ï¿¡135

Physiotherapy Follow-Up Consultation

- 30 mins  ï¿¡55

- 40 mins  ï¿¡80

Physiotherapy Block

- 6 sessions  ï¿¡689

- 8 sessions  ï¿¡980


Physiotherapy Initial Consultation

- 30 mins  ï¿¡45

- 45 mins  ï¿¡55

- 60 mins  ï¿¡90

Physiotherapy Follow-Up Consultation

- 30 mins  ï¿¡30

- 40 mins  ï¿¡35

Physiotherapy Block

- 6 sessions  ï¿¡459

- 8 sessions ï¿¡612

Pink Sugar

Super Big Deal Days

18 October


31 october

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* Referred friends get 20% off as new arrivals as well!

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